Schuyler Community Schools is cancelled for Wednesday, February 12th 2025 due to snow conditions. All other programs are also cancelled including after school programs, childcare, and activities.

Dear students, staff, and families,
We are watching the weather closely. Currently, Colfax County is predicted to receive 4 1/2 inches of snow by Wednesday morning. At 9:30 tonight I will be checking with them for a final update. We will make a decision by 10:00 pm tonight to assist families in making plans if needed. As always, keeping everyone safe is our first priority.
Dr. Schroder

Attention SCS Parents / Atención padres de SCS

Attention SCS Parents / Atención padres de SCS

Reminder: Tomorrow February 7th 2025, is the Youth Dance Camp. Check in starts at 4 pm at the Schuyler High School. The girls will dance at halftime of the boy's game. The boy's basketball game starts at 7pm.

Due to a broken sprinkler head, the Field House will be closed Monday, Feb 3. The Field House will also be closed Tuesday, Feb. 4, due to the upcoming wrestling quadrangular at the Middle School.

Check out this upcoming author event at the library! Free books, donuts, & Deputy Brown Bear! - ¡Mira este próximo evento del autores en la biblioteca! ¡Libros, donas y el ayudante del oso pardo, gratis!

Do you have gently used formal dresses you are looking to get rid of? Please consider donating them to the SCHS Prom Closet. The dresses will then be available for students to wear to formal dances at SCHS.

The Nebraska College of Law Immigration Clinic is giving a presentation at the high school TONIGHT! Come learn about your rights and to ask questions.
What: Informational Presentation
When: January 27, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
Where: Schuyler Central High School Auditorium

More pics for the SMS Assembly today. - Más fotos del montaje del SMS de hoy.

SMS held an assembly today to recognize out 1st Semester Honor Roll Students and students with the most MAP growth from the fall to winter testing. Congratulations SMS Warriors! - SMS celebró hoy una asamblea para reconocer a los estudiantes del Cuadro de Honor del 1.er Semestre y a los estudiantes con el mayor crecimiento en MAP entre las pruebas de otoño y de invierno. ¡Felicitaciones, SMS Warriors!

Due to a high amount of illness at Lakeview, there are some changes to tonight's games. Boys JV and Varsity has been postponed to a later date. Girls JV at 6:00 PM West Gym Girls Varsity 7:30 PM West Gym

Due to cold weather and extreme wind chills, Schuyler Community Schools will be closed and all activities are canceled tomorrow Tuesday January 21st 2025.

Congrats to SCHS FFA at yesterday's Livestock Judging competition in Battle Creek!
Team results out of 36 teams: 1st- Senior Team, 12th-Junior Team.
Individual results out of 140 participants: Ally Vavricek-2nd, Addy Vavricek-3rd, Bela Jedlicka-4th, Abby Reyna-7th, Sofia Yepez-23rd, Yesenia Garcia-48th, Jazmyn Mariona -60th, Peyton Perrin-105th.

Attention SCS Parents / Atención padres de SCS

The NE College of Law Immigration Clinic is giving a presentation at the high school on Mon., Jan. 27th! Come learn about your rights and to ask questions.
What: Informational Presentation
When: Jan. 27, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
Where: Schuyler Central High School Auditorium

If you or someone you know is in need of warm clothing, please check out the Coat Closet.

Attention SCS Parents / Atención padres de SCS

Attention SCS Parents / Atención padres de SCS

Attention SCS Parents / Atención padres de SCS